

An Interview with Mrs. Phyllis Robinson(1)

from "Great American Copywriter Vol.2"
Tadahisa Nishio
published in March 10, 1971

chuukyuu Did you meet Mr. Bernbach at Grey Advertising Inc. for the first time?

Mrs. Robinson Yes, I did. He was creative director of Grey Advertising Inc. and was beginning to produuce to produce some very interesting advertising. I actually went to Grey not to work for Mr. Bernbach but to work in the sales promotion end of the business. I was in sales promotion writing, producing material for stores to use to support the national advertising.
Mr.Bernbach learned about my work and brought me to his department.

chuukyuu Did you enter Grey Advertising Inc. before him?

Mrs. Robinson No, he was there at the time. In fact it was his work and the work he was doing there that partly attracted me to the agency. He was there for a while, I suppose a year or two before I came in.

chuukyuu How many copywriter wrere there at the time?

Mrs. Robinson I really don't racall. I guess there were twelve ---fifteen, something like that.

chuukyuu Did also write copy for Ohrbach's while you were there?

Mrs. Robinson I am embarrased to say that I can't remember. I might have done a little, but nothing worth mentioning. I think it would be safer to say no. But I did work with Bob Gage quite a bit there, and he was working with Mr. Bernbach on Ohrbach's. I don't think I started to work on Ohrbach's until I came here.

chuukyuu Please tell me the reason why only you in Grey Advertising Inc. were asked to join Doyle Dane Bernbach?

Mrs. Robinson Well, I can't answer with any modesty. Mr. Bernbach liked my work very much at Grey and we got along quite well in personsality and in the way we thought about advertising.

to be continued.